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Everything you Need in One Place

Instead of giving you courses to learn on your own just as other courses you've already bought. We will hold you by hands and analyze live market everyday which will help to boost your confidence, Market psychology which is the most important aspect of FOREX. You're about to purchase the best masterclass at almost zero cost as the value we're to offer you should be around $3,000 and above. But we believe in service to humanity.

Welcome to Apex Trader Academy

We are team of Proffessional Traders and We want to help you take advantage of the amazing opportunity that currently exists in the foreign exchange market.

If you are not that familiar with Forex – don’t worry, We have created this platform as a one stop shop to bring you the best education possible… straight, direct, with no loop holes.

The truth is if you are not trading in the foreign exchange market, you are really missing out. This is by far the BEST home-based business that entrepreneurs can start to gain an immense amount of wealth.

Becoming a successful trader is all about understanding the market and having the ability to create, master, and execute your own style with discipline and patience. Our ultimate goal is to change the lives of millions by teaching a skillset that can end poverty forever.

In this program, We reveal the FOUNDATION of forex; the evolution, how to participate, the basics of technical analysis, fundamental analysis, and trading psychology. Most people complicate the market, but in all honesty it is really simple. I breakdown the foundation that is essential for cashflow management.

We are going to show you how to make the REAL MONEY! We go in-depth with technical analysis and We show you all the secrets that only my private students have access to. After you’ve learned this, you will be able to make trades with CONFIDENCE.

One of the great things about our Mentorship is that it also includes more advanced weekly calls where you’re able to ask questions, and a telegram group to provide a community for success.



$ 500 Month

✔ Zoom session 3 times every week until you can trade on your own.
✔ Access to the recorded zoom sessions.
✔ Access to our premium groups

What you’ll get includes:

A Message from Dominic,

CEO of Apex Traders Academy

Dear Future Trader,

The recent Global Recession showed us how important it is to have multiple income streams. Many people lost their jobs and had nothing to fall back on.

Maybe you found yourself in that situation … or maybe you can’t stand your current job and are looking for something that would allow you to work from home and be your own boss? This was me!

I graduated from London School Of Economics and Political Science, then worked as an accountant in several firms. During my tenure, I realized the importance of entrepreneurship, and stumbled across the realm of investing. Following the influence of highly successful mentors, I delved deep into expanding my portfolio.​ Now I am here to teach you the same.

The Truth About Forex
Listen… I’m here to keep it real with you and never sugar coat anything.
Forex has been watered down through an influx of various network marketers that sell hype dreams opposed to teaching the real skillset.

Opposed to mainstream media seeing billionaire forex investors like George Soros as the face of this industry, all they see are social media scam artists telling them to invest money into programs and bots.

As a result, people down the industry and call it a scam opposed to learning the TRUE skillset, and the beauty of this industry.

Moral of the story, Forex changed my life…
It changed my life, my family’s life, and future generations to come. If you’re ready to learn and apply yourself, it will change your life too.


You see, over the past few years the popularity of Forex trading has really taken off, as people like you discovered the flexibility and accessibility that it offers.

The simple truth is, people complicate the market.. they approach the market with strategies opposed to understanding STRUCTURE. The sooner you can understand the flow of the market, the sooner you will be able to make money. I am here to shorten your learning curve.

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